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St. Alban’s
“Pilgrimage Walk”

Davidson, NC

St. Alban’s organized a “pilgrimage walk” for their congregation, during which children looked for hidden tickets along the path. Later, they used the tickets they’d gathered to vote for their favorite Gifts for Life. St. Alban’s bought the gifts that the children had chosen. At Easter time, St. Alban’s Episcopal Church in Davidson, NC organized their first “pilgrimage walk” to engage their congregation with Gifts for Life.

During the walk, children collected Easter eggs, each of which had a ticket inside. Later, the children used the tickets they had gathered to vote for their favorite Gifts for Life selections. Once all the votes were cast, St. Alban’s bought gifts that corresponded with the children's choices. Everyone felt connected to the chosen gifts — and to the recipients!

The congregation loved the activity so much that St. Alban’s plans to host another pilgrimage walk next Easter.

St. Alban’s made Gifts for Life purchases totaling $2,200.

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Since 1940, Episcopal Relief & Development has been working alongside church partners all across the world to facilitate transformative, lasting change. Explore all Gifts for Life categories, which are based on the four key priorities of community development proven to be most effective in our faith-based work: early childhood development, women and girls, climate resilience and disaster response.